A Brief history of intermational Business

  1. Global business Management
  2. European Perspective – BREXiT
  3. Digital Single Market – Digital market


A Brief history of intermational Business

Greek and Phoenician~~~


The Volume of intermational Trade

Merchandise and Services Trade as a Percentage of GDP


Single European Market

The European Union has successfully created a European market in which





More freely, as if in a single country!


BREXIT consequences

UK-Referendum to leave EU (23rd June 2016)

27TH March 2017 UK Government activated Article 50. After this the EU~~~


Brexit – Impact for UK and EU

UK trade in values and shares(2015)



Why we need a digital single market

315 million


Use the internet

Every day


Creating a European digital Economy and society with growth potential

Big data and cloud

Manufacturing / Industry Base International

The last 30 years deindustrialization have created a deep cleavage among countries with regards to the importance of the industry


Industrial share in added value [ 2014 industrial added value / Total added value]


Prospective – Industry 4.0

A historical perspective: From Industry 1.0 to Industry 4.0


Industry 4.0

Integration of trends in information and communication technology in industrial production systems


Industry 4.0 and internet of things


Industry 4.0 – Definition

Industry 4.0 os the merging of real production


DIN = Deutsche Industry Norm


Industy 4.0 case – predictive maintenance

Predictive maintenance by connectivity and big data analytics

























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