Trading in international environment Workshop on Doing Business in Europe
政治上的影響 Political forces
科技的影響 Technological forces
乙、網路社群的興起Internet and network computing
市場影響 Market forces
甲、全球化公司變成世界的顧客 Globalizing companies become
乙、global customers
成本影響 Cost forces
甲、經濟的目標規模減少單位成本 Goal for economies of scale to
乙、reduce unit costs
競爭的影響 Competitive forces
甲、強度的增加由於國際事業爆發性的成長 Increase in intensity due
乙、to explosive growth in international business
爆發性成長 Explosive Growth
n 外國的直接投資與出口 Foreign Direct Investment and Exporting
n 外國直接投資-直接投資設備,架構和一個外國的組織FDI – Direct
investment in equipment, structures, and organizations in a foreign
n 足夠的水準以獲得顯著的管理控制 level sufficient to obtain significant management control
n 出口-任何國內產品/服務運送到一個國家或地區之外的目的地
Exporting – transportation of any domestic good/service to a
destination outside a country or region
歐盟環境(The EU Environment)
27 個國家的市場族群促成成員國的經濟富裕(Market grouping of 27
countries, that promotes economic wealth of its member states)
高度先進的經濟模式、政治和社會融合(Highly advanced form of
economic, political and social integration)
1993 年前最初被稱為歐洲經濟共同體(Prior 1993 originally known as
European Economic Community (EEC))
歐盟的主要議題:民族多樣性,包含數以百萬的公民Major issue in the
EU: national diversity, which involves millions of citizens
民族多樣性影響企業在歐洲單一市場進行 National diversity influences
the way in which business is conducted in Europe´s single market
藉由提高且深植意識可消除國家偏袒意識 National favoritism can be
eliminated by raising awareness and by cultivation perceptions
問題這是需要被考慮的“There is an in-built notion of perception
associated with this which needs to be taken into consideration in
order to effectively overcome problems resulting from national
商品的自由流動 Free Movement of Goods
易壁壘的逐步減少The significance of the goods market in the EU is
represented by the comparatively high share of world trade in goods,
evolved by the gradual reduction of trade barriers
Elimination of the following restrictions, led to an overall increase in the volume of goods traded between different members of the EU
體格檢查(例如:邊境檢查)Physical (e.g. checks on borders)
財政(例如:控制直接或間接型式的稅收)Fiscal (e.g. control over
direct an indirect forms of taxation)
技術(例如:各種標準不同的定義)Technical (e.g. different
definitions of various standards)